How Aloha DAO Works
This diagram shows how DAO is operated.
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This diagram shows how DAO is operated.
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Following is How it works. 1: User/Members purchase the Membership NFT and Asset NFTs. 2: The amount of Asset NFT goes to the Aloha DAO Treasury address. *The amount of Membership NFT will go to the Aloha DAO Founders address. 3: Once it reaches the target amount, the accumulated amount will be converted to $USD and sent to the LLC bank account to purchase the intended real estate. 4: Our professional team will take care of the real estate management and decide when to sell. 5: When we have revenue from either the rent or the sales of the property, the income will come back to the Treasury address to distribute to the contributors. 6: We call the distribution of the profits an Airdrop. *When Airdrop happens, the founder team takes 10% as the management fee to run the DAO operations. 7: Users/Members will be able to sell the airdropped $MHC at DEX like Uniswap once liquidity is added.